It’s been quite the year. A pivotal 2023 for many of us.
In an effort to honour where we’ve been and the season we currently find ourselves in, we invite you to gather in sacred circle
over this month’s full moon in Gemini.
Riding on the wild winds of collective change, it’s important that we stop, sit down, and receive this special moment to breathe -
to take a long awaited exhale, and in doing so, bring our present state of Being into our full awareness.
Acknowledging Gemini’s mutable mind magic, this is an opportunity for us to CONNECT and to make important connections
with the women in our community.
Gemini energy asks us to talk it out and to share our stories - to question our rigid perspectives, cleanse the psyche, widen our viewpoints, inform one other, and to look to the world with new eyes. Let us remember the power of perception,
the magic of the multidimensional self, and the spells that we cast when we speak.
Meet us at the alter of life and let us conjure meaning from the mundane.
Let’s heed the call of our inner wild woman and breathe life into her once again.
Together, we’ll untangle ourselves from the energetic knots that are holding us back from understanding just how fucking magical we are.
Come and join Nerissa (Wombankind) and Raven Stone (Tree Of Stars),
as they support you in the navigation from the old to the new - and the reclamation of the unseen.
Expect astrological insight, tools to empower yourself in reflection to your cycle and your current season of wombanhood
and engaging, conscious conversation - on ways to deepen your personal, intuitive connection to your past life experience and your ancestral wisdom.
This gathering of magic will take place on Sunday 26th November at Lilium Love Cafe (on Wilsons Creek Road)
from 1:30pm till 5pm
*The event itself will run for 3 hours from 2pm to-5pm, but we invite you to come 30 minutes prior to support Lilium by purchasing one of their famous cacao potions and getting to know one another.