This Personalised Medicine Drum Journey is created by Nerissa, held in your intention. This offering is created via audio recording, personally for you and your current needs, and then sent to you electronically, for private listening and keeping.
The From Afar Personalised Medicine Drum Journey offers a guided shamanic medicine drum journey experience,
supported by Nerissa, and held by yourself, in the comfort of your own home.
. You are your own healer and you hold the medicine in which you are needing of.
In this recorded personalised medicine drum journey, you gift yourself the space, to retrieve the knowledge
that you are needing of. Whether you are currently feeling stuck, lost
or simply needing of some guidance, you will find what you are needing of,
by simply allowing yourself to be open to receive.
What we have forgotten as spiritual beings, living in a human experience, is that we are The Divine.
You hold within your body, your ancestors stories - their pain and their suppression.
But you hold in your spirit, the ability to connect to all times, all realms, all dimensions.
So knowing this, what if I told you, you as a spirit in an earthly body, have the ability to heal ancestral, earth-bound trauma,
simply by truly believing that you can, by manipulating time and referring to "healing" as "healed."
Because you are a multi-dimensional being with the ability to manipulate energy.
Because you are a multi-dimensional being with the ability to manipulate energy.
And time is the greatest manipulation of energy, as time is calculated by ego
as a means to disconnect us from the present (where magick happens),
disempower our innate abilities (by distracting us with past and future) and structuring a foundation for control.
Your Personalised Medicine Drum Journey is intuitively created by Nerissa, personally for you and your needs.
It begins with a personal drop-in meditation, a 15-20 minute drumming journey, sharing of what personally came forth for Nerissa intuitively and psychically (in her holding of space for you) and finishes with an intuitive psychic tarot reading
to help support and guide you, as you step into your reality, with new awareness and self-trust.
Expect your From Afar Personalised Medicine Drum Journey audio recording to be 1 hour, from start to finish.
Nerissa recommends giving yourself time beforehand, to sit with yourself in meditation, to call in intention, to sit with cacao, to journal, intuitively move your body, or to simply allow space to relax and open.
Nerissa is an old soul witch, with a long past life and ancestral connection to psychic abilities.
She only uses her psychic awareness to guide with the intention of positive empowerment.
She receives guidance through many forms. Visuals, words, mantras as well as telepathic, intuitively communicated guidance.
Please expect your From Afar Personalised Medicine Drum Journey audio recording within 7-10 days from purchase.
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